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Manages an ECS Cluster.

Sample code

exports.createResources = () => [
type: "Cluster",
group: "ECS",
properties: () => ({
clusterName: "cluster",
settings: [
name: "containerInsights",
value: "disabled",
dependencies: () => ({
capacityProviders: ["cp"],



Used By

Full Examples


The clusters can be filtered with the ECS::Cluster type:

gc l -t ECS::Cluster
Listing resources on 1 provider: aws
✓ aws
✓ Initialising
✓ Listing 23/23
│ 1 ECS::Cluster from aws │
│ name: cluster │
│ managedByUs: Yes │
│ live: │
│ clusterArn: arn:aws:ecs:eu-west-2:840541460064:cluster/cluster │
│ clusterName: cluster │
│ status: ACTIVE │
│ registeredContainerInstancesCount: 1 │
│ runningTasksCount: 1 │
│ pendingTasksCount: 0 │
│ activeServicesCount: 1 │
│ statistics: │
│ - name: runningEC2TasksCount │
│ value: 1 │
│ - name: runningFargateTasksCount │
│ value: 0 │
│ - name: pendingEC2TasksCount │
│ value: 0 │
│ - name: pendingFargateTasksCount │
│ value: 0 │
│ - name: runningExternalTasksCount │
│ value: 0 │
│ - name: pendingExternalTasksCount │
│ value: 0 │
│ - name: activeEC2ServiceCount │
│ value: 1 │
│ - name: activeFargateServiceCount │
│ value: 0 │
│ - name: drainingEC2ServiceCount │
│ value: 0 │
│ - name: drainingFargateServiceCount │
│ value: 0 │
│ - name: activeExternalServiceCount │
│ value: 0 │
│ - name: drainingExternalServiceCount │
│ value: 0 │
│ tags: │
│ - key: gc-created-by-provider │
│ value: aws │
│ - key: gc-managed-by │
│ value: grucloud │
│ - key: gc-project-name │
│ value: example-grucloud-ecs-simple │
│ - key: gc-stage │
│ value: dev │
│ - key: Name │
│ value: cluster │
│ settings: │
│ - name: containerInsights │
│ value: enabled │
│ capacityProviders: │
│ - "cp" │
│ defaultCapacityProviderStrategy: [] │
│ attachments: │
│ - id: 8c350eb4-7aa6-4881-8336-54abaeb534c1 │
│ type: asp │
│ status: CREATED │
│ details: │
│ - name: capacityProviderName │
│ value: cp │
│ - name: scalingPlanName │
│ value: ECSManagedAutoScalingPlan-3124ced1-b8c9-4225-bd28-0df041bed… │
│ attachmentsStatus: UPDATE_COMPLETE │
│ │

List Summary:
Provider: aws
│ aws │
│ ECS::Cluster │ cluster │
1 resource, 1 type, 1 provider