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The destroy command destroys the resources which has been previously deployed.

gc destroy

Command Options

gc help destroy
Usage: gc destroy|d [options]

Destroy the resources

-f, --force force destroy, will not prompt user
-t, --types <type> Filter by type, multiple values allowed
-a, --all destroy all resources including those not managed by us
-n, --name <value> destroy by name
--id <value> destroy by id
-p, --provider <value> Filter by provider name
-h, --help display help for command


The command alias is d

gc d


The force option to not prompt the user to destroy the resources:

gc destroy --force


By default, the destroy command only destroys the resources that has been created by this application. The all options destroys resources that has deployed ouside this application.

gc destroy --all


The types option allows to destroy resources of a given type:

gc destroy --types Server

Example with multiple types:

gc destroy --types Server --types Volume


The name option allows to destroy a specific resource given its name:

gc destroy --name web-server


The id option allows to destroy a specific resource given its id:

gc destroy --name ewBMe9BLC


The provider option allows to destroy resources of a given provider.

gc destroy --provider mock